Saturday, 17 December 2016

Words & Wonders (76)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- Slow week this week, but I wrote 9,009 of Pride & Joy, my f/f witchy murder book. It's finished, and I think pretty good! Estimated release next December, to give me time to write the next two and release them all close together.

- I wrote 4,906 words of Kelebek+Savas, my Ottoman-inspired fantasy.

- I'm fleshing out the world and characters of my NA UF Dragons book and hoping I can finish it this month.

- And finally, I'm in the middle of plotting out Pride & Joy book 2

In my life:

- Not much to report

Discovery Found or Lesson Learned:

This great post on planning a novel and the pitfalls of not doing so.

What have you written this week?

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Words & Wonders (75)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- I wrote 9,830 of Pride & Joy, my f/f witchy murder book. Nearly, nearly done.

- I wrote 3,970 words of the Ottoman-inspired fantasy I mentioned a few weeks ago. I'll refer to it as Kelebek+Savas after the main characters but names could easily change.

- I also read 60+ pages of my NA UF Dragons book I half wrote a few months back. It's not nearly as bad as I remember. I might finish it, but as I'm working on Pride&Joy, my side Ottoman Fantasy, and will soon be editing The Revelation ... it's low on my priorties.

In my life:

- Christmas is soon, Christmas is soon!!

- Also I'm LOVING superhero books right now. I burned through Relentless (Deebs & Lynn Childs), Zeroes (Westerfeld, Lanagan, and Biancotti), Illusive (Emily Lloyd-Jones), and yesterday I read the so so so cute m/m superhero/supervillain novella Superior (Jessica Lack.) I recommend all of them, especially Superior and Zeroes, which has some pretty awesome diverse rep, although no gender or sexuality. Still, read it for endlessly adorable Thibault!

Discovery Found or Lesson Learned:

This week, I'm sharing this blog post on the book a year schedule in traditional publishing!

"I also want to say . . . it’s not for everyone. And that’s okay. Some books take longer. Some authors need more space. Overall, you have to do what works for you. Sleep deprivation and caffeine addictions might keep you going for a little while, but ultimately, taking care of yourself is most important."
What have you written this week?

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Words & Wonders (74)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- Nanowrimo was pretty awesome for me! I wrote 50,050 on The Revelation, my Nano project, and a further 30K on side projects. Not too shabby.

- I edited 28 pages of a Christmas Gift novella for my newsletter subscribers. This will be delivered to your inboxes right before Christmas!!

- I wrote 13,150 of Pride & Joy, my f/f witchy murder book. I probably won't release this until I have more than one book ready to go, to cut down on time between releases.

In my life:

- Writing took over 99% of my life last month so I'm hoping to catch up on All The Things. You may have noticed my content on this blog is sorely lacking. Hoping to fix this in the next month!

Discovery Found or Lesson Learned:

It's literally impossible to do everything. Sometimes I think everyone needs a reminder of this little fact. You can't do everything at once.

What have you written this week?

Monday, 28 November 2016

Words & Wonders (73)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

It has been an entire AGE since I last updated. November has been crazy hectic, writing wise for me, so blogging and everything else took a back seat. Here's what I've been up to this fortnight:

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- I wrote 32,353 words of The Revelation and IT'S DONE! It's a goopy, inconsistent mess but at least it's vaguely book-shaped!

- I accidentally started writing another project that DEMANDED I write it. I'm loving it so far, and I've written 16,146. It's Fantasy NA, with YA crossover appeal. Not super sexy though - just going on character ages and the theme of finding your place in the world. I'll say three things about it

+ The characters are a race of immortals
+ It uses the LightVsDark trope and then LightAndDarkVsGreaterEvil
+ The world is inspired by the Ottoman Empire

In my life:

- This is my entire life:

 Writing, Christmas, Writing, Christmas, ACOMAF!

Discovery Found or Lesson Learned:

I somehow get way more done when I have twice the workload?? I progress much faster working on two projects at a time. It makes no sense but it works for me. Try it!

What have you written this week?

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Words & Wonders (72)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

Missed a week because I went on holiday.

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- I wrote 11, 801 words of The Revelation. It's not going well tbh.

- I've planned, prepped, and plotted a Christmas short story (could be novella, could be novel, we'll see how it goes!) It's British urban fantasy, with witches and fae and elves, and f/f. I'll be sending this story out to all my newsletter subscribers for free as a treat for the holidays, but it'll also be up on Amazon. At some point, it could become a series, but I don't know for sure yet.

In my life:

- I went to the beach for a week!

Discovery Found or Lesson Learned:

Before I start developing any characters, I HAVE to know their names, and from their names I build personality, looks, habits, family, etc. I also find it really helpful to have a list of surnames and male and female first names common to where the story is set (i.e. England, North West.) for unexpected characters and easy reference.

What have you written this week?

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Words & Wonders (71)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- I wrote 7,435 words of The Revelation. Had a bad week. Don't know where this book is going. The usual fun.

In my life:

- Health things happened this week so I've been knocked sideways by that.

Discovery Found or Lesson Learned:

The Writer As A Tour Guide

What have you written this week?

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Words & Wonders (70)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- I wrote 16,445 words of The Revelation. Happy with my output!

In my life:

- JUST getting to reading Crooked Kingdom. How much is this book gonna wreck me?

Discovery Found or Lesson Learned:
This is a new segment of W&W! I wasn't spending enough time on the internet to collate helpful links, but still wanted to provide some form of information that might be useful to you!

This week I've learned I can't commit to a project I don't 100% love. I was writing a NA UF Dragons book off and on, but I just don't have that spark with it that makes me dying to write it. I loved it 75%, not 100%, and I think the issue is in the characters. Who knows, maybe in the future I'll rework it into something I love much, much more, but for now it's shelved.

What have you written this week?

Wednesday, 28 September 2016


Did I combine my love of book recs and my appreciation of LGBTQIA authors? Heck yes, I did. LGBT Lit Recs is a monthly series of guest posts where LGBT+ authors recommend their favourite queer books! There'll be a post every last Wednesday of each month.

This month I am so, so happy to have RoAnna Sylver, author of Chameleon Moon (which relaunches super soon!! Be excited!) on Words From Saruuh. Here's RoAnna's recommended books:

Probably the warmest, most welcoming, most delicious LGBT fantasy I've read in a long time. Contrary to popular fairy tale belief, the adventure doesn't end when you win the throne. Especially when you don't feel quite ready, and you're feeling like the only girl who likes girls in the entire kingdom. Personally, I really can't say enough good things about the Mangoverse - it's where I want to go when I'm sad, stressed, scared; even when I've got too much pain and too few spoons for reading, I want to read these. Finally, the entire series is being re-released under the author's total rights with gorgeous new covers. If your heart is tired (I'm sure it is) and you need some good news, start here.

Daybreak Rising - Kiran Oliver
A hot new release I've been so excited to watch light up the skies. A once-failed, twice-wise rebel leading a revolution, wielding magic and technology to overthrow an oppressive empire, with a slow-burn (ha) F/F romance at the center - this is pretty much everything I want to see in my fantasy action, and I'm sure I'm not alone. It saw an impressive release, and I'm sure Daybreak is just the start of something amazing.

Viral Airwaves - Claudie Arseneault
A dystopian, virus-ravaged landscape, rogue rebel radio stations, and hot air balloon journeys. The future could be bleak, but the aim is the opposite: community, hope, and rebellious optimism brighter than the promise of a of brand new day. Solarpunk. This is my literary aesthetic, and it might be yours too. Combine it with easy gay, bi, ace and nonbinary rep, and you've got something really special going on here. Check it out. Make it go viral. This book deserves it.

Ariah - B. R. Sanders
Elegant, sweeping, multilayered and intricate. If you like your fantasy high, but a lot more colorful, diverse and inclusive than what you'll see on the big screen (sadly), might I suggest? I do. I speak of elves. Bisexual elves, genderqueer elves, polyamorous elves with all their magic and history and lovely we already dig, and a lot more Super Interesting, Important Good Things (racial/social level interaction! Culture clash! Gender, sexuality - ahh, real life stuff!) that need to be included a lot more. Also, it's just a beautiful work-of-art book. 

Came for the asexual representation (hi, Ace Book Club! , stayed for the dynamite apocalyptic storyline, Oregon setting, tense pacing, Nerds Saving The Day... and Mab. Oh, Mab. Fast-talking, no-crap-taking smart-as-a-whip and twice-as-crackin' lady with a dog. Mab, you know where to find me. Over here, with my nose in your book. (ProTip: 'Bullet' is actually Book 2; you want The Big Book of Post-Collapse Fun if you want to see how it all began. But if you're like me and - what's 'in order,' I can't read suddenly, I don't know - in this case it's really not going to be... the end of the world. Or will it? Read and find out!)

About RoAnna

RoAnna Sylver is passionate about stories that give hope, healing and even fun for LGBT, disabled and other marginalized people, and thinks we need a lot more. Aside from writing oddly hopeful dystopia books, RoAnna is a blogger, artist, singer and voice actor. She lives with family and a small snorking dog, and probably spends too much time playing videogames.

RoAnna has worked as a contributing fiction writer, concept artist and voice actor for videogame company Phoenix Online Studios, appeared on several episodes of NBC's Grimm and The Librarians, and now writes for entertainment news website 

Chameleon Moon: 2nd Edition releases October 11th! 

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Words & Wonders (69)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

I'm on time! Yasss.

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- I' wrote 17,187 words of The Revelation. Picking up! Loving writing Bennet's POV especially.

In my life:

- Struggling to balance all the elements of work and health at the moment.

On the internet, this week I found useful:

- I'm failing at this segment. I might have to rethink it! Or organise myself to better collect what I'm reading.

What have you written this week?

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Words & Wonders (68)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- I' wrote 8,930 words of The Revelation. Starting to pick up the pace slightly!

- I'm slowly research-planning my next series and LOVING IT. It has all my favourite things (except space.) I'll refer to it as Compass Wars, but I don't want to say anything until I've committed to it.

In my life:

- Had a crappy health week, so didn't get much done.

On the internet, this week I found useful:

- I'm not spending that much time online lately. I don't have the energy for it :/

What have you written this week?

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

7 Books Featuring Mythology

Since my The Legend Mirror series is heavily based on mythology, I thought I'd recommend some other books that feature gods and creatures.

I've had my ups and downs with this series, but ultimately it's fun and has a great murder mystery storyline. This one's Arthurian Legend.

A fabulous fantasy book with unicorns, other great mythical creatures, and a f/f romance!!

Djinni! This book is just wonderful - atmospheric and rich with detail, and it made me seriously emotional.

A perfect blend of Beauty & The Beast, greek mythology, with a love that has a serious Hades/Persephone vibe? This is one of my all-time favourites and makes me heart all smushy.

Another hit-or-miss one. But this features ORACLES. Which is pretty darn epic. It also adds a bit of mystery to the pot, which is always great.

One of my favourite series ever. Effortlessly combines super soldiers, a dystopian america (potential utopia actually, which is cool), and GODS AND MYTHOLOGY!! It's epic, read it. It is adult, though, so it's not recommended for younger readers.

An amazing series, one of my favourite YA fantasies ever. Banshees and reapers and all sorts of other great creatures. Plus incarnations of sins and vices - envy, greed etc. Truly inventive, and fun, and swoony toward the end of the series. Highly recommend.


Saturday, 10 September 2016

Words & Wonders (67)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

Annnnnd late again.

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- I researched A TONNE more for The Lux Guardians

- I' wrote 6,021 words of The Revelation. It's slow going but at least it's moving...

In my life:

- I got Empire of Storms so that's pretty much taken over everything... Plus it's helping distract me from being in pain constantly, which is a plus!

On the internet, this week I found useful:

- Nada. Sorry.

What have you written this week?

Friday, 9 September 2016

The Legend Mirror Reviews

Hi guys! 

I have a favour to ask. If you've read any books of The Legend Mirror series, would you write a quick review and post it on the Amazon page for the bind up? I'm really hoping to get TLM featured in an advertisement soon, so it would be super amazing if it had as many reviews as possible. Reviews not only tell me how much you love my books and want more, but encourage other readers to pick up copies of my books. It doesn't have to be more than a single line and a rating, or if you've already reviewed a Legend Mirror book, use that review. 

Thanks so much!

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Words & Wonders (66)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

Ugh, late again. Sorry, guys, I'm really bad at scheduling lately.

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- I'm still in the research trenches for The Lux Guardians and loving finding out obscure facts about my book's locations.

- And I've planned more of The Revelation, enough for me to start drafting.

- I've written 1.5K of The Revelation!! I've officially begun!

In my life:

- I'm rereading Heir of Fire and Queen of Shadows in preparation for Empire of Storms. I love Rowan and Dorian and Aelin so, so much.

On the internet, this week I found useful:

- Nada. Been swamped and overwhelmed this week.

A Book I've Loved Lately:

Got it on a whim because it was my birthday and I could, but I ended up LOVING this. It has everything I love in fantasy, the crime, the darkness, the scary as shit villains, plus bonus pirates and a super slow friendship. Love, love, love.

What have you written this week?


Wednesday, 31 August 2016


Did I combine my love of book recs and my appreciation of LGBTQIA authors? Heck yes, I did. LGBT Lit Recs is a monthly series of guest posts where LGBT+ authors recommend their favourite queer books! There'll be a post every last Wednesday of each month.

This month I am super, super excited to have Claudie Arseneault, author of a whole bunch of queer-inclusive books, on Words From Saruuh. Here's Claudie's recommended reads:

A Timeline of LGBTQIAP+ SFF

Hey, wonderful strangers! It is my great pleasure to occupy this space today, and do one of my favourite things of all: sneeze great SFF recs written by LGBTQIAP+ authors, and featuring those characters, and infect everyone with them!

And because I can, these will be presented not in order of my favourite (I could never pick), but in “chronological” order. Not that they’re in the same world. Or on a clear Earth-like timeline in relation to one another… but hey. It’s a thing! *throws confettis* Let’s get to the fun part right away.

1. DAUGHTER OF MYSTERY, by Heather Rose Jones

First of a historical fantasy novel featuring two amazing women unraveling mysteries, falling in love, and carving their place into the high society and politics of Alpennia. It is a-ma-zing. The prose fits the period, the characters are deep, with complex and often conflicting relationships, the plot builds and flows and captivates.

2. ARIAH, by B.R. Sanders

I always have a hard time describing this novel. ARIAH is not an adventure novel. The story follows the eponymous character throughout formative years of his life, as he learns to master and understand his magical gift. It’s an exploration—of cultural shock, of friendship and love, of the mutual influence people have on each other. ARIAH is intense and captivating, somehow feeling both slow and inexorable. Perhaps it’s its depth, perhaps it’s the subjects touched upon. Whichever the case, this is one of my favourite recent reads.

3. CHAMELEON MOON, by RoAnna Sylver

Aaah, this book. I will never make a LGBTQIAP+ recs without a mention for the Chameleon Moon series. I cannot. Set in Parole, a city barely holding above a lava lake and threatening to sink in, contained by a force field and filled with people wielding superhero-like powers, CHAMELEON MOON features an amazingly diverse cast and tells a story of friendship and love and hope in the face of overwhelming odds. A dys-hope-ia, as RoAnna loves to call it (and I like to parrot). Get this book. Now. And keep an eye out for the second in the series, coming out this fall!

4. FOURTH WORLD, by Lyssa Chiavari

Who’s up for an archeological mystery on Mars? Not one, but two ace spectrum protagonists? Reading this book has given me some of the most amazing “it me” feels, and considering how far you sometimes have to dig for good ace rep by ace writers? Yes yes yes. But don’t be fooled, it has a thrilling plot, great characters, solid and sometimes gorgeous prose, and an amazing worldbuilding to go with it. Plus if you fall in love with the novel, a sequel novella (DIFFERENT WORLDS) is coming out this fall!

5. ASCENSION, by Jacqueline Koyanagi

From semi-near future sci-fi, we jump into starships and space opera. ASCENCION is a masterful novel, led by a black lesbian with chronic pain who stows away on a ship. It’s intense, both in action and emotion, and it has one of my favourite tropes: Crew Before All. I love stories with group of friends who stick together above all else. It also explore complex sibling relationships, and grief, and disability, all of it while taking you on a non-stop ride of events. I devoured this book and highly recommend it to, well, anyone.

There are, of course, many others. Kiran Oliver was here last month and you should definitely watch for his, DAYBREAK RISING. And he mentioned Shira Glassman’s Mangoverse, another eternal source of joy for me. But five sounds like a good number, doesn’t it? And if you want more, you can always check out my own stuff! I have a political fantasy with a friendship focus lined up for publication with a large and almost exclusively LGBTQIAP+ cast, and I’m really excited about it. Add it on Goodreads if that’s your jam, or take a look at my sci-fi adventure novel, already on the shelves!

About Claudie:

Stories have always been an important part of Claudie's life. From reading to roleplaying to writing, characters have lived in her head for years, growing and evolving with her. Proud québécoise, asexual, and lover of squids and hot air balloon, she aims to provide awesome LGBTQIAP+ science fiction and fantasy. Her next novel, the first of a political fantasy trilogy, CITY OF STRIFE, comes out this Fall 2016.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Words & Wonders (65)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

Oops, a bit late this week!

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- I'm still in the research trenches for The Lux Guardians and rereading The Wandering. I read 75% of the book this week! A whole lot of reading.

- I also prepped TLM, Books 1-3 for release (IT'S OUT NOW!!)

- And I've planned The Revelation. I'm so damn near having a complete book outline, but there's so much to take into account that it's taking FOREVER to plot and driving me mad. I can't wait until I start finally writing this thing.

In my life:

- It was my birthday last Tuesday, which was awesome, but not a whole lot else to report

On the internet, this week I found useful:

- Creating A Satisfying Character Arc

What have you written this week?


New Release: The Legend Mirror Bind Up (Books 1-3)

Welcome to Callaire, a town of shifters, magic, and secrets.

Yasmin is the daughter of a goddess and a mythical creature. As a Legendary, she has telepathic power and the ability to change forms every full moon. In her opinion, that's more curse than gift.

When a voice cries out to Yasmin in her head, and she’s drawn into dreams that aren’t her own, she's led to Fray - a girl who once saved Yasmin from hunters. In Fray’s dreams she has power no human should ever have. Legendary power.

When Fray’s magic catches the attention of a violent and invincible creature, both Yasmin’s mythical world and Fray’s human one will be changed forever. A Gods' war is brewing, and Yasmin and Fray are at the heart of it.

Reeling from the battle with Discordia – the incarnation of chaos, an invincible creature - Yasmin and her Legendary family search for answers. Who is Discordia? Why are they stealing power? And where have they taken the girl Yasmin loves? Yasmin will do anything to get Fray back, even if it means unleashing the violent beast beneath her human skin. 

Fray has been kidnapped and taken to an impossible place that is slowly changing her. Her captors are monsters with venom in their teeth and bloody hands, and they want to use Fray to win a war. But armed with a terrifying and empowering new ability, Fray will die before she becomes their pawn. 

Yasmin’s girlfriend is dead, but she will stop at nothing to bring Fray back. Even if that means going to the Otherland and making a bargain with the Ruler of All Souls. If Yasmin finds Pluto’s lost power, they’ll return Fray’s soul to her body. 

Yasmin’s search takes her, and two of her friends, from Bucharest to France to Wales, and exposes a horrifying secret with Venus, Yasmin’s mother, at the heart of it. With a murderous, fiery god and the incarnation of death in her way, Yasmin will have to compromise her morals and harness the Legendary power in her veins. If she fails, Fray’s soul will be lost forever. 


Book 1: The Beast of Callaire
Book 2: The Dryad of Callaire
Book 3: The Powers of Callaire
Book 4: Coming 2017!
Book 5: Coming soon!
Book 6: Coming soon!
Book 7: Coming soon!

Books included: