Thursday, 30 October 2014

Love In The Gilded age pronunciation guide.

In case you missed my influx of posts and tweets, Love In The Gilded Age released this week. 

Because the stories are set in a high fantasy world, they carry a big amount of unfamiliar names. I know some people prefer not to have things such as these guides, and I understand that. Once the stories have left me, they belong you readers anyway, so it's up to you to decide how things are said. But I also know there's a bunch of people who appreciate a bit of direction, and I wanted to make a guide handy for those who want it.

There's no strict rule that these are the only acceptable pronunciations, but this is how I said the names as I wrote them:


Linxe - one syllable. Like the cat lynx.
Voivaren - VOI.varr.en. First sound rhymes with toy, the second sound rhymes with bar and car, and the last is basically en.
Sorrin -
Taul - one syllable. Rhymes with Paul and haul.


Xanna - First sound rhymes with van and can, and the last sounds exactly how it looks: na
Kiejn - KEY.enn
Koal - one syllable. Like coal.
Niesk - NEE.esk.
Kerenne - Kerr.ENN. First sound rhymes with burr and fur, the last sound rhymes with ten.
Elyn -
Rosany -
Auriiel - - First sound rhymes with oar and boar, and the last two are pronounced how they look.

Hope this helps clear a bit of any confusion that might arise. Just comment if there are any other words you'd like me to add to this.

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