Sunday, 28 February 2016

Words & Wonders (40)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

One of these weeks, I'll remember to post on time, I swear.

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- I continued adding the second draft changes to my PERSEYUA manuscript (because I 2nd on paper...) I've added 146 pages of edits, cut considerable sections (including a sweet rowboat that rowed itself. Alas, it had to go) and rearranged A LOT of the first 150 pages.

 - I revived a very old short WIP with 700 words. Hoping to work on this more in the next month. It's called THE CLONE BRIDE.

In my life:

- Another February sickness, this one worse than the first. Bleh.

-  I really like this colourful photo of my books:

On the internet, this week I found useful:

- This beautifully written and heart-wrenching post about the all-white state of fantasy. I cried, I raged at the injustice, and I felt stupidly lucky to have grown up with white privilege, to always have been included in books and been able to see myself in them.

- This epic post on skinny authors writing fat characters. Minnie, one of the POV characters in POWERS is fat and while I don't consider myself skinny, some would, so I thought I'd give the post a read, and found the blog thoroughly useful. The source section alone is worth reading it but if you're a writer (of ANY kind of character) please read the whole post!

- This post on ableism and disability by Kody Keplinger, which gave me a great deal to think about.

A Book I've Loved Lately:

Don't even get me started. 
Epic world. Unforgettable characters. Give me the next book immediately!!

What have you written this week?

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Words & Wonders (39)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- I continued with my second draft of PERSEYUA. This week I did 51 pages AND FINISHED. 

- But UGHHH it's no longer a stand alone. There's another alt ending that would make the book SO much stronger, and a second book that would be SO GOOD and offer so much growth in Perseyua, and I really want to write it ... without actually having time/schedule to write it. Oh darn. Still ... stronger ending it is. PERSEYUA is now a first in series. Imagine me grumbling about it.

- I'm now adding the second draft changes to my PERSEYUA manuscript (because I 2nd on paper...) I've written 2K and added around 10 pages of edits.

In my life:

-  Nothing to report. Constantly working.

On the internet, this week I found useful:

- Another post on filler words
- This epically important article about white publishing and #ownvoices

What have you written this week?

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Words & Wonders (38)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

Crap, crap, crap, sorry this is late. I scheduled it and totally didn't hit publish. D:

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- I learned I am really impulsive re: pitching contests even though my MS is only 75% done. I have banned myself from them until mid March, when PERSEYUA's mass changes have been implemented. At. The. Earliest.

- Semi related: I've been working on my query, going over and over it. I think I'm at the point where I can't make it any better, so it might be time for someone else to look at it.

- I continued with my second draft of PERSEYUA. This week I did 98 pages, which is a crappy week for me :(

- I planned Le Contemp~ finally. The good news: it's now going to be 2000% better. The bad news: a character has to die and the 10K I've written has to be scrapped D:

In my life:

-  The dreaded February Sickness hit so I missed three days of work and I'm officially behind my deadline :(

-I found 2 new bands, both female fronted. PVRIS and Against The Current. I really like both but I'm leaning towards ATC (literally ALL their songs are strong but check out Fireproof, my current favourite song.)

On the internet, this week I found useful:

This post on twitter pitches, which saved me from making a fool of myself. Authors partaking - READ THE FIRST POINT.
- Synopsis Tips From An Expert
- Questions to Ask a Prospective Agent!!!!!

What have you written this week?

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Words & Wonders (37)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

In the Writing Cave, this week:

- I continued with my second draft of PERSEYUA. This week I did 139 pages.

- Wrote around 1K of Le Contemp. I'm pantsing this so far and I've run out of direction, so I'll probably draft a plan soon. I'm nothing without a proper outline.

- I also wrote a couple of flash fiction pieces for the hell of it, just trying out concepts and genres.

In my life:

- My instagram feed is more active this month. I'm taking part in a challenge called #AuthorLifeMonth so you might be interested in that :)

 Click images to enlarge :)

On the internet, this week I found useful:

- Eight Things To Do While You're Waiting
- Fifty Plot Twist Ideas

What have you written this week?