Saturday 27 June 2015

Words & Wonders (7)

Welcome to Words & Wonders, a weekly journal of writing updates, links I've found useful or interesting, and book recommendations. I hope W&W will prove to be useful to you writers out there as well as offering an insight into my writing progress for my readers. Don't forget to leave a comment with your own writing progress!

Another late update, because I'm been editing like the wind and lost track of the internet for a while.

In the Writing Cave, this week I have:

- Loosely planned book four in The Legend Mirror series. It's looking fun for me to write but not so fun for the characters.

- Started writing a novel in verse based on the Hades & Persephone myth. It's set in my Love In The Gilded Age world (Fissure) and I have absolutely no time to write this right now (not that it's stopping me!) Here's a tiny thumbnail of the initial cover I designed for it (part of my planning process for all my works!!):

- Continued through The Hotel of Fresh Hell (aka line editing), mostly screaming as I edited 21 pages. 

- Revised 75 pages of The Dryad of Callaire by adding my second draft changes to the manuscript, and I am DONE with this! Now I can focus fully on line editing and hopefully it'll speed up the process (a wonderful pipe dream.)

- Written 1,484 words of The Legend Mirror book 3. Next week I start Camp Nanowrimo, so I'm hoping to churn out much more words!!! (Hoping being the operative word!)

In my life:

- I'm mostly watching tennis, to be honest. That's 50% of my life now. (The other 50% is worrying about missing deadline.)

On the internet, this week I found useful:

- Nothing, because I've been fairly internet-absent.

A book I have loved recently:

This book is perfect. Just perfect. Read it.

Have a good weekend, folks!!

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